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Privacy policy

 Costumers ACCESSING, BROWSING OR OTHERWISE USING THE WEBSITE Alpha Food Bronze , Missed Call Service or mobile application INDICATES user is in AGREEMENT with food on the way vegetables & fruits Pvt Ltd for ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS MENTIONED henceforth. User is requested to READ terms and conditions CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING FURTHER.
User is the person, group of person, company, trust, society, legal entity, legal personality or anyone who visits website, mobile app or gives missed call or places order withAlpha Food Bronze via phone or website or mobile application or browse through Alpha Food Bronze

Alpha Food Bronze is in trade of fresh fruits and vegetables and delivers the order to home (user’s desired address) directly.

That any user who gives missed call/call for order on any number published/used by Alpha Food Bronze, consents to receive, accept calls and messages or any after communication from Alpha Food Bronze vegetables & fruits Pvt Ltd for Promotion and Telemarketing Purposes within a week.

If a customer do not wish to receive any communication from Alpha Food Bronze, please SMS NO OFFERS to 9876543210.

Alpha Food Bronze accept orders on all seven days and user will receive the delivery next day from date of order placement, as we at Alpha Food Bronze procure the fresh produce from the procurement center and deliver it straight to user.

There is Minimum Order value of Rs. 200. There are no delivery charges on an order worth Rs. 200 or above. In special cases, if permitted, order value is less then Rs. 200/– , Rs. 40 as shipping charges shall be charged from user.

Alpha Food Bronze updates the prices on daily basis and the price displayed at our website Alpha Food Bronze at the time of placement of order by user he/she/it will be charged as per the price listed at the website Alpha Food Bronze.

In the event, though there are remote possibilities, of wrong invoice generation due to any reason, in case it happens Food On The Way vegetables & fruits Pvt Ltd reserve its right to again raise the correct invoice at the revised amount and same shall be paid by user.

At times it is difficult to weigh certain vegetables or fruits exactly as per the order or desired quantity of user, hence the delivery might be with five percent variation on both higher or lower side of exact ordered quantity, user are hereby under takes to pay toAlpha Food Bronze vegetables & fruits Pvt Ltd as per the final invoice. We at Food On The Way understands and our endeavor is to always deliver in exact quantity in consonance with quantity ordered but every time it’s not possible but Alpha Food Bronze guarantee the fair deal and weight to all its users.

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